Breaking the Stigma
Our 2024 polling revealed 81% of adults in England believe technical and vocational qualifications should be as respected as ‘academic’ ones. Indeed, more than half believe attitudes have become more positive towards people taking technical or vocational pathways in school.
This compares with a YouGov survey of 4,000+ adults in Britain for the Edge Foundation back in 2004, which revealed that over a third (36%) of adults agreed with the statement that ‘rightly or wrongly, a vocational education is an inferior option, chosen only by people who are not clever enough to go to university.’

Leading the Charge - Transforming Technical Education
Back in 2011, Michael Gove delivered the first Edge Annual Lecture and tasked Edge and others with resolving “our failure to provide young people with a proper technical and practical education of a kind that other nations can boast” (Michael Gove to the Edge Foundation, DfE, September 2011).

Skills Take Centre Stage
In the 2024 General Election campaign, we heard the leaders of all major political parties talking about the importance of skills in education and support for high-quality vocational pathways, like apprenticeships. From pledges to “support children to study a creative or vocational subject until they are 16” (Labour), “broaden the curriculum and make qualifications at 16 and 18 fit for the 21st century” (Lib Dems) and create 100,000 more apprenticeships (Conservatives), politicians are finally speaking our language!

50 Mentions in Parliament and Counting
Our policy team enjoy working closely with MPs, MSPs and peers of all party colours to inform their decision-making, campaigns and priorities for education and skills. Over the last 20 years, we’ve worked hard to put vocational education at the heart of debates and policymaking in Westminster and beyond. Edge has featured in Hansard 50 times since our inception.

Edge Networks Connecting Minds
Our networks provide a platform for individuals to share their ideas and knowledge, grow their personal networks and advocate for change:
Policy Network, Four Nations Policy Network, Deeper Learning UK, Research Review Group, Innovative Higher Education Network, Skills Shortages Analysis Group, Emerging Researchers Network, European Research Network, Education Comms Network, Youth Network, Island Education Network