16 January 2025 09:00 – 17:00
Join us in January 2025 for our third Next Generation Assessment Conference, which builds on our previous two sold out events, and promises to be a day of inspiration, connection, debate and learning about the future of assessment. The event will bring together educationalists, young people, teachers, policy makers, thought leaders, academics, and employer voices under the overarching theme of inclusive education and assessment, and ensuring all young people are set up to thrive.
A collaboration between Rethinking Assessment, Edge Foundation, HMC, and the University of Manchester, this event provides a unique chance to connect with leading voices and innovators in assessment. It will include keynote conversations and breakout sessions, and we will hear from education institutions trailing new ideas in practice.
All of this will seek to inform delivery on the ground in schools and colleges and the major education policy debates, at this important moment with the curriculum and assessment review in England, and ongoing reforms in the other three UK nations and in countries around the world.
Speakers, Agenda, Plenary Themes and Breakout Sessions now confirmed...
- Al McConville, Deputy Head, The King Alfred School
- Alex Scharaschkin, Executive Director of Assessment Research and Innovation, AQA
- Alison Peacock, CEO, Chartered College of Teaching
- Andrea Silvain, Headteacher, School 360
- Annamarie Hassall, Chief Executive, National Association for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Arlene Beattie, Headteacher, Strathdearn Primary School
- Ben Whitaker, Co-Founder of Edufuturists & Quizizz Evangelist, Quizz
- Prof Bill Lucas, Professor of Learning and Director of the Centre for Real-World Learning (CRL), University of Winchester / Global Institute for Creative Thinking
- Charlie Ben-Nathan, Assistant Head – Director of Studies, Latymer Upper School
- Dr Chris Mclean, Senior Lecturer, Alliance Manchester Business School
- Dr Fran Wilby, National Lead for Programs & Partnerships, Rethinking Assessment
- Prof Jo-Anne Baird, Member of the DfE Curriculum & Assessment Review Expert Panel & Director of OUCEA, University of Oxford
- Dr John Taylor, Director of Learning, Teaching and Innovation, Cranleigh School
- Jon Neale, Head of Growth, Quizizz
- Kate Robinson, CEO of the Sir Ken Robinson Foundation, educationalist and author (Keynote Speaker)
- Matt Morden, Headteacher, Surrey Square School
- Meredith Reeve, Head of Next Generation Assessment, Pearson
- Nicola Hall, Director of Education & Development, Careers & Enterprise Company
- Nicola Mcleod, Assistant Director Education, Work & Skills, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
- Olly Newton, Executive Director, Edge Foundation
- Peju ‘The Spark’ Abuchi, Poet, Speaker & Coach
- Phil Holton, Senior Qualifications Manager, Pearson
- Dr Philip Seal, Deputy Head (Academic), Kings High Warwick
- Rachel Macfarlane, Lead for Underserved Learners, HFL Education
- Prof Rose Luckin, Emeritus Professor of Learner Centred Design, UCL Educate Ventures
- Sarah Fletcher, High Mistress, St Pauls Girls School
- Saurabh Gupta, Head of Computing, King Alfred School
- Sammy Wright, Author, Exam Nation and Head of School, Southmoor Academy
09:00 Registration and refreshments
09:30-10:15 Innovation Lab hosted by AQA, Pearson and Quizizz
10:20-11:15 Welcome and Opening Plenary - Setting all young people up to thrive
11:15-12:00 Plenary 2 - Rethinking assessment, learning and intelligence in the age of AI
12:00-12:30 Break
12:30-1:15 Breakout Session 1 - Assessment innovations in practice (Choice of sessions A, B & C)
1:15-2:00 Lunch
2:00-2:45 Breakout Session 2 - Assessment innovations in practice (Repeat of sessions A,B & C)
2:45-3:00 Break
3:00-3:45 Plenary 3 - Assessment, inclusion and equity
3:45-4:30 Closing Plenary - Our hopes, our future
4:30-5:30 Drinks Reception kindly sponsored by The King Alfred School
Plenary Themes
- Setting all young people up to thrive
- Rethinking assessment, learning and intelligence in the age of AI
- Assessment, inclusion and equity
- Our hopes, our future
Breakout Sessions - Assessment innovations in practice
A: School designed courses and project based qualifications for more expansive learning and assessment
B: Reinventing parent reporting through learner profiles
C: Introduction to the MBacc, connecting education and the world of work