20 January 2023 10:15
Watch the conference highlights including our panel debates and selected breakout sessions.
See the highlights from the day
Conference opening and keynote speeches
Conference welcome - Sarah Fletcher
Keynote addresses - Andrew Haldane, Royal Society of Arts and Beatriz Pont, UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning
How do you make change happen?
Chaired by Rachel Sylvester (The Times)
with panellists Chris Husbands (Sheffield Hallam University), Jane Walton (FSB), April McMahon (University of Manchester) and Sally Dicketts (DD Consulting)
A vision for a more inclusive future
Chaired by Jonas Andrew-Philip
with panellists Kerrie Portman, Ife Obasa, Billiejean Goodyer, Lottie Cooke and Maanya Patel
The movement for change
Chaired by Julie McCulloch (ASCL)
with panellists Olly Newton (Edge Foundation), Sarah Fletcher (St Paul’s Girls' School), David Gallagher (NCFE), Rebecca Boomer-Clark (Academies Enterprise Trust) and Bill Lucas (Centre for Real World Learning & Rethinking Assessment)
Fresh thinking for the 21st century
Chaired by Alison Peacock (Chartered College of Teaching)
with panellists Wayne Holmes (UCL & Council of Europe), Gabrielle Finn (University of Manchester), Tom Richmond (EDSK) and Mary Curnock Cook (Pearson Education)
Rethinking assessment in schools
Chaired by Rachel Macfarlane (Herts for Learning)
with panellists Nicola Mason (School 21), Gavin O’Loughlin (Golftyn CP School), Al McConville (King Alfred School), Kimberley Elms (Livingstone Academy Bournemouth) and Helena Good (Daydream Believers)
How learner profiles can recognise breath of student learning and achievement
Chaired by Roșie Clayton (Rethinking Assessment)
with panellists Fran Wilby (Rethinking Assessment), Gavin O’Loughlin (Golftyn CP School), Al McConville (King Alfred School) and Mike Flanagan (Mastery Transcript Consortium)
Conference close
Conference reflections and close from Sarah Fletcher, St Paul’s Girls’ School
Education Secretary interviews
For this event the Foundation for Education Development interviewed 3 former Education Secretaries:
Lord Kenneth Baker
Lord David Blunkett
Right Hon. Justine Greening
They began by asking why we need a new approach to assessment.
Hear reflections from speakers as they experienced the conference in real time.
Coming soon
Reflect on the day with the help of our amazing visual minutes.

Find the conference slides (where relevant and used) attached below.
Breakout Session B Challenge Led Learning, Extended Project Qualifications and School Citizen Assemblies- Educating and assessing young people in civic engagement, climate change and sustainability
PPTX (15.9 MB)
Breakout D schools assessment workshop
PPTX (4.1 MB)
Breakout Session E How learner profiles can recognise breadth of student learning and achievement
PPTX (6.9 MB)
Breakout F assessment for the future
PPTX (21.1 MB)
PDF (1.1 MB)