At Edge, we think there's a lot to learn from our neighbours across the UK. That's why we've published our 2025 Guide to FE and Skills Across the Four Countries of the UK - a must-read for anyone wanting to quickly get to grips with how apprenticeships, technical qualifications and tertiary (FE and HE) systems operate.
Our 2018 report, FE and skills across the four countries of the UK, was the very first iteration of this piece of work. The skills system has shifted significantly since then, so in February 2024, we published an updated version This proved to be a useful resource, particularly for those working in policy. We decided to make sure the report holds its value by keeping it up to date with the various shifts in the skills and political systems each year. It’s intended to provide an updated overview of how FE and skills look across the UK. It is practical, snappy and light reading for anyone wanting to get up to speed with apprenticeships and technical education across the Four Nations.

This is a clear and easy to understand guide which is useful for policymakers and professionals in England, Wales, Scotland and NI. Significant updates in the report include the establishment and early beginnings of the new Commission for Tertiary Education and Research in Wales, changes to responsibilities of arms-length bodies in Scotland’s education and skills sector and the new Westminster Government’s vision for education and skills in England. Researchers, employers, HR professionals managing apprenticeship levy budgets and anyone wanting to understand the recent changes in the skills systems across the UK will find it invaluable.
Rachael Cochrane, Programme and Engagement Manager, College AllianceThis guide is an essential resource for anyone navigating the intricate world of further education and skills across the UK. When I began developing the programme for The College Alliance network, I found Edge's Four Nations Guide invaluable in offering a clear and concise overview of the distinct systems and policies in each nation. This updated edition brings the latest information to the forefront, making it even more useful. It's the perfect starting point for anyone seeking to explore further