Policy Network
This group brings together over 180 policy leads and practitioners from a range of educational institutions. Collectively, we horizon scan and spark collaborative, solutions-focused discussions around the opportunities for policy reform across the education landscape. The network meets regularly to hear from senior policymakers in the education and skills sector, discuss topical news, and share ideas for reform. The network also receives an exclusive monthly newsletter with updates from members, Edge, and the wider sector giving you one place to find all the education news you need.
For more information or to get involved, contact us at sgluck@edge.co.uk.

Recent Sessions
Meet the SpAds (November 2024)
We were joined by a group of former SpAds spanning different remits, departments, and governments to hear about what the job entails and tips for engagement for policy professionals.
Curriculum and assessment review - with Sammy Wright (October 2024)
A discussion on shared messaging for input into the Curriculum and Assessment Review, with insight from Sammy Wright, author of Exam Nation.
Getting the most out of Party conferences (September 2024)
An informal discussion, sharing our plans for party conferences 2024 and tips on how to get the most out of this manic period.
Book Club: Improving Education Policy Together by Nansi Ellis and Gareth Conyard (July 2024)
Our first book club discussion, joined by Nansi Ellis and Gareth Conyard to discuss their book Improving Education Policy Together with advice for the Network on how education policy can be done well.
Manifesto Analysis (June 2024)
A look at the key education and skills commitments made in the main parties’ manifestos.
Empowering youth voice through policy (April 2024)
A discussion on how to how to centre young people in our policy work, with presentations from Felix Von der Geest, a member of Edge's Youth Network, and Youth Employment UK, about their Youth Voice Census.
Reflections on the autumn budget (March 2024)
Reflections on the Budget and advice on how to make the best case for funding asks within a tight fiscal climate.
In conversation with Baroness Alison Wolf (February 2024)
A fireside chat with Baroness Alison Wolf, touching on the impact of her 2011 report, her work with the Prime Minister, and her views on the future of technical education.