At Envision Learning Partners (ELP) we share the same goal of transforming the educational experience with our educational division, Envision Schools, but we seek to do so on a larger, national scale. Envision Schools has transformed the lives of a diverse range of students since its founding in 2002 – including most of whom will be the first in their family to graduate from college – by engaging them as learners and preparing them for their futures.
With the intention of widening our impact, ELP was founded in 2010 and since then, we have been providing professional development around performance assessment design and implementations, as well as associated pedagogies, school structures, school culture, and leadership methods. Many professionals working with ELP have experience that extends to before the founding of Envision Learning Partners; this goes for our colleagues who came to us from the Stanford Center of Assessment, Learning, and Equity, as well as those of us who were teachers, principals, and system designers at Envision and Expeditionary Learning schools.
ELP's mission is to help schools and districts engage every student in America in a high-quality system of performance assessment. When challenged with work that is rigorous and real-world, and given opportunities to revise and reflect along the way, students are liberated to realize their potential. We are a small group of trusted practitioners: a squad of founding school principals, teachers, and re-design experts.
Our Equity Stance
- Assessment is for learning, not for sorting.
- A supportive culture of learning gives students choice and power over their futures.
- ELP encourages and empowers more school leaders of color, especially black school leaders, to develop high-quality performance assessment systems for their students.
- ELP is a workplace where people of color thrive.