Institution Information
- Belfast Metropolitan College
- Further Education College

Practices Identified
- Integrating digital tools in learning allows for inclusivity, each student is able to use the same technology with different adaptations of it
- The college staff are committed to ensuring that the Centre for Supported Learning students and the lecturers who teach them have access to the latest technologies and e-learning activities to illustrate to students they are not disadvantaged by their disabilities
Practice Description
The Centre for Supported Learning at the college which delivers full-time and part-time further education, vocational training and skills and independent living skills programme at entry level 1 for students with severe, complex and moderate learning difficulties and disabilities (SLDD). The curriculum school work closely with the college Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) support team and the college IT services department, as well as the learner services department to plan, resource and introduce relevant EdTech tools and support lecturing staff and students to develop the relevant skills and confidence to use it to best effect.
EdTech tools are used to enhance the student induction experience, for example a bespoke app was specifically designed to create an accessible tool for students with severe learning difficulties and mobility/ dexterity impairment. A bespoke 360˚ video technology was used to enhance students’ transition from school to college by illustrating the campus, classrooms and assistive tools used at the college. Additionally, students and staff use a range of new EdTech equipment such as large portable SMART screens and iPads to support accessibility for students with severe learning and physical disabilities by catering learning to their needs through the technology. The centre has built a strong relationship with their tech suppliers to help get the adaptations they need. Students who have additional needs receive a detailed assessment and training on the range of tools available to them.