Institution Information
- Suffolk New College
- Further Education College
- Approximately 4,500 students

Practices Identified
- Each week there is an evening dedicated to CPD, within this schedule there are six Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) related workshops
- The college puts on an annual learning fair where staff would share how they have used technology to enhance their teaching and learning experience
Practice Description
Technology has been viewed as a college-wide priority. For the past few years the college has focused on technology enhanced learning (TEL). A key practice at the college is their CPD programme. Each week there is an evening dedicated to CPD, within this schedule there are six TEL related workshops. Each of these sessions is developed according to the results of the digital survey. These workshops are delivered using both external experts and staff members who have experience in technology.
Another standout practice at the college was their annual learning fair where staff would share how they have used technology to enhance their teaching and learning experience. Across the college there are digital hubs for staff and students to use to trial different digital tools. The vision of the college is to move towards a blended learning approach with an aim of approximately 20% online learning. Staff have the flexibility and freedom to do this in their own way, either through a flipped model where they give students online material and come to the lesson ready for a practical lesson, a whole online approach where an entire unit is delivered online only, or a blended approach.