Introduction and overview to the visit
UTC South Durham is a University Technical College located in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham. They are a STEM focused college for students aged 14-19 and aim for every student to be Career and Life ready through a relentless focus on their Student Leaver Profile.
At UTC South Durham students work hard and succeed in their academic and technical education but also have access to a range of professional and career experiences (through their extensive network of local and national employers). Students have opportunities to develop a set of six core skills that local employers and the wider community have identified as vital in the world of work.
During this virtual visit session, UTC South Durham explores the strategies they use to engage and work with parents and carers. They focus on how this has been born from, and developed through the lens of their culture and approach to education. The three video sessions you can access through this virtual visit look at this approach and the impact it has on the education and career and life readiness of their young people; and how as an organisation, they have got to this point in their journey and where they are aiming for next.