This session focuses on the context of UTC South Durham, their purpose and history since opening in 2016 and the journey they have been on to create and fulfil their culture and style of education. In particular it focuses on Parental Engagement.
This session is led by Catherine Purvis-Mawson (Deputy Principal) and Laura McAllister (Vice Principal).
Key Points Summarising Session 1
- The session focuses on Parental Engagement and the approach at South Durham UTC to this. The presenters emphasise how their ‘strategy’ has grown organically over the last few years and through the culture of the organisation.
- What is a UTC? University Technical Colleges were established by the Baker Dearing Trust, they are technical schools for children aged 14-19. In the case of UTC South Durham they have 440 students and their specialism is specifically Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing with an emphasis on the STEM subjects, they exist to prepare students for the world of work with a careers driven education with an emphasis on equality of opportunity for all.
- South Durham UTC have over 150 employer partners and were founded by 3 local key employers Gestamp, Hitachi Rail and University of Sunderland, these three organisations are the main drivers for the school and underpin their vision and educational specialism.
- From a parental and carer's point of view the links with employers are both extremely strong and are often instrumental in the decision for students to continue their education at the UTC at the age of 14, as they would have to transfer from their existing education provider in order to continue their education at the UTC.
- These strong, embedded employer links also feed into the students destinations, and this is reflected in the UTCs destination data 2018-2023.
- 100% of students who wanted to go to University did so, many to study STEM subjects.
- 39% of yr 13 move onto paid apprenticeships.
- 97% of students have gone on to a positive destination.
The Student Leaver Profile
The Student Leaver Profile has been central to linking and working with all within the school community i.e. Parents/carers, students, employers and the wider school community. The Student Leaver Profile was created in conjunction with the wider community and was co-created with parents, business, employers, students and trustees all of whom fed into its creation. This process was supported by Ford NGL and their coaches. All the groups and sectors of the community were active participants and contributors to its creation. The Students Leaver Profile encapsulates the UTCs mission and vision to ensure students are Career and Life ready and covers 3 areas which are given equal weighting and emphasis, namely:
- Core skills.
- Academic and technical knowledge and understanding.
- Professional and career experiences.
Core Skills are well defined and resonate with parents and students who self assess against the core skills and assess themselves against them i.e.
- Communicate
- Organise
- Persevere
- Reflect
- Collaborate
- Respect
UTC South Durham is very intentional about how they do things through the lens of the Students' Leaver Profile which feeds into the culture of the school, which is central to all that they do. This is also a pivotal element of parental engagement which will be explored further in session 2 and 3.