This session includes health warnings/pitfalls and the lessons learned.
Key Points Summarising Session 3
This session covers off Q&A from those taking part in the session and also finishes off with some top tips.
- How do they attract the right student? The National Curriculum does not keep up with the requirements of industry. Industry co-create projects with the UTC and meet every 6 or so weeks to make sure stay on track with developing and embedding the skills industry and employers want.
- Attitude and work ethic, passion and motivation are really important. Clear focus on the academic very rigorous application process - have 150 places for year 10 entry with over 300 applicants. The rigorous application process is very focused on what school can provide for them and what can be done for them, but also what the expectations are. The culture of South Durham UTC means very focussed on getting the ‘right’ students who want to be there and achieve, and are motivated.
- Focus on 6 core skills within the UTC (covered in session 1) means can meet the needs of the National Curriculum/GCSEs and also what employers are looking for with a real focus on the kinds of jobs and skills which they may need for the jobs which may not be yet created. Real focus on skills for the future and transferability.
Health Warnings and Takeaways
- There is a piece to be done in managing parents expectations and setting boundaries.
- Do expect feedback and welcome it.
- When dealing with parents the UTC provides exceptional customer service and expects follow-up as a 2 way process.