What the Project is
Blackburn College received a grant of £99,750 in the 2016/17 Edge Grant Fund for their development of an Environmental Construction Careers and Skills Academy.
The college is actively working with construction sector employers to ensure their curriculum meets industry needs and provides students with opportunities to develop their employability and engage directly with industry. Blackburn College used the grant to refurbish their “Eco Bungalow” classroom with Smart technology for lighting, heating and smart home security. The initiative also provides on-campus and employer site opportunities for students to experience green construction technology and heritage building skills. Working with a range of local and national employers, the college has provided over 100 masterclasses delivered by master technicians direct to students both in college and on employer’s own sites.

Blackburn College built on lessons learned from a previous project also supported by Edge, to set up an Independent Employer Network (IEN) of key SMEs in the construction sector, working in partnership with the Lancashire Chamber of Commerce. The IEN not only provides a means of engagement between employers and the college but also opens up potential recruitment pathways for students, a forum for discussion of local labour market needs but also a link to the college for upskilling of existing workforce.
Additionally, around 60 students to date have benefited from a Scholarship programme which provides placements at local employers – often leading to offers of apprenticeships and permanent employment for Blackburn College students.
So far this initiative has impacted positively on hundreds of learners from Level 1 to Level 3, across carpentry & joinery, plumbing & heating, construction, architecture, engineering and electrical installation curriculums.
Student“I learnt about the roles and responsibilities of the Project Manager, Site Manager and how a Construction Site is run”
Student“I gained a greater understanding of risk assessment methods and method statements for a big project”
Student“I learnt a lot more about future career options e.g. Apprenticeships, University options. I also learnt about various construction team members, jobs and responsibilities. The strictness of site safety was also a highlight.”
Find out more
To find out more about this project visit Blackburn College’s website or contact Craig Midgley on Craig.Midgley@blackburn.ac.uk