KS4/5 Year 10-12 STEM - (GSK) Design an auto injector device for a new anti-cancer medicine A STEM project with GSK, the world leaders in supplying life-changing medicines to patient's worldwide.
KS3 Year 9 - Geography, The human impact on biomes To understand the human impact on biomes and how this can be managed
KS2/3 Science for ASD/SEMH Driving Question: How can we provide renewable energy to the North East? - These resources are designed to work with students who have both ASD and SEMH needs.
KS3 History/Geography - The Williams Expedition: Rediscovering Antarctica project How did explorers cross the Atlantic and what was it like to explore the Atlantic?
KS3 Year 8 English Language - Persuasive writing about the process of nodule harvesting Students prepare and produce a persuasive piece of writing about the process of nodule harvesting.
KS3 Year 9 Geography - The water cycle Students describe and understand key aspects of the water cycle in the context of learning about clouds and rain.
KS3/4 PHSE Careers - Investigating the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority and Yorkshire Dales National Park During the project students will have the opportunity to investigate the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority and Yorkshire Dales National Park.