KS2/3 SEN - Careers project An investigation into what businesses/jobs are at the Cobalt Business Park
KS3 Year 9 - Geography, The human impact on biomes To understand the human impact on biomes and how this can be managed
KS3/4/5 - Enhancing student experiences of IT products An opportunity to enhance student experiences of IT products
KS3 PHSE Careers - Investigating the National Theatre During the project students will have the opportunity to investigate the National Theatre and the job roles and careers available.
KS2/3 Science for ASD/SEMH Driving Question: How can we provide renewable energy to the North East? - These resources are designed to work with students who have both ASD and SEMH needs.
KS3 Chemistry - Quantitive chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry Pupils produce a report looking at the costs and quantities required to synthesize a pharmaceutical compound.
KS3 Physical Education - Identifying uses of work-placed coaching Students identifying how they have used specific work-placed coaching
KS3 Year 9 Geography - The water cycle Students describe and understand key aspects of the water cycle in the context of learning about clouds and rain.