The purpose of a Teacher Externship:
To link the world of work to the classroom involving a three-fold approach for employers, teachers/lecturers and students, by:
- Firstly, giving students an insight into employment, career paths and opportunities available to them.
- Secondly, increasing teachers’/lecturers’ knowledge and understanding of the world of work outside of the classroom, and enabling them to start to consider where their curriculum area may link and be used in the workplace.
- Thirdly, giving employers the opportunity to increase understanding of the world of work within schools for both teachers and students, and to develop their future workforce.
Remember your WHY
What is your WHY to delivering Teacher Externships? It is important you understand your ‘why’ to on-board Senior Leadership Team (SLT), Teachers/Lecturers and Employers. You will be better able to persuade others by fully understanding the intention and desired impact of the activity.
The Importance of SLT
Successful delivery of any careers-related activity in education begins with establishing school- or college wide buy-in to the need for change. Buy-in from senior management in education and businesses is essential.
Once you have support from SLT you can write this activity into your careers programme to ensure it is a sustainable, intentional programme.

On-Boarding Teachers/Lecturers
Once you have SLT support, on-boarding teachers/ lecturers should become easier. To ensure you achieve positive outcomes and impact, identify teachers/ lecturers who have expressed an interest in the Teacher Externship programme. Once the success of the programme is clear, and teachers/lecturers express their support thereof, this will naturally encourage others to take part.

This takes time but results in a more focused and impactful activity. Where this does not happen, activity can be disappointing for both parties. Keep in contact with the employer and provide updates regularly.
Download the full document
- A guide to Teacher Externships for further information on The purpose of a Teacher Externship, Remember your WHY, The Importance of SLT, On-Boarding Teachers/Lecturers, On-Boarding Employers as well as When to run the Teacher Externship programme, How to plan a Teacher Externship, Thank you and Celebrate. This document includes editable tools which you can use to support your planning. It is a guide to help organise and facilitate Teacher Externships. It can be used to guide the facilitator through the Teacher Externship process from start to finish.
This document is a guide to help organise and facilitate Teacher Externships. It can be used to guide the facilitator through the Teacher Externship process from start to finish.