Teacher/lecturer workbook
Researching the organisation.
You/Your team will need to research your externship host employer. This will help determine what you would like to learn during the on-site business visit. During your research, look for information about the following:
- Essential purpose i.e. what do they do?
- Company history/profile
- Personnel
- Products or services
- Location
- Work environment
- Employment outlook
Curriculum links and company research
Record the parts of the curriculum you are planning to focus on. This may change following your employer visit but it is useful to have a starting point to help prepare you for the experience. Note key points from your company research, and questions you would like to ask on your visit.
Employer on-site visit journal
The first part of your visit will allow you to gain a broad overview of the company. You will have a tour and the opportunity to meet different staff and hear about their career journeys. Based on what you see, you should be able to start developing some curriculum links/ideas.

On-site visit debrief
In the second part of your visit, ask more in-depth questions that relate to your curriculum ideas. This will help you gather the information you need to draft your plan. Look for examples of, and ask questions about, possible products your students can produce that will help them develop professional skills and see the connections between their studies and the workplace. Discuss with the employer any interest they may have in providing further opportunities to be involved in the delivery of the project.
Post-visit working day:
Curriculum Overview and Components
Now you have completed the teacher on-site day with the employer, the next step is to develop the curriculum project and/or resources.
Don’t forget to follow up with a thank you to the employer!
Download the full document
- Teacher/Lecturer workbook to be used by teachers/lecturers throughout the Externship, from start to finish. It can be used to research the employer, to capture details of the Externship, to capture curriculum ideas while visiting the employer and help with planning after the Externship. The document includes editable tools you can use to capture every stage of your Externship.