- Across the world bodies such as the World Economic Forum, the OECD and a growing number of countries are being explicit about the range of dispositions they want young people to acquire alongside the knowledge they need.
- Research shows that explicitly cultivating skills and dispositions is essential for addressing disadvantage and promoting social mobility
- Developing dispositions enables learners to put their knowledge into practice. We need to begin systematically teaching skills and dispositions and embed this in our practice.
See this quick introduction to skills and dispositions:
You can sign up to the Starter Kit for free at the bottom of our introduction to Learner Profiles page.
You can then explore introductory materials and resources developed by researchers, innovators, teachers and leaders who are integrating key skills and dispositions within their existing curricula. The Starter Kit includes a variety of existing skills frameworks and progressions being used in the UK and internationally, as a helpful starting point for schools and colleges thinking about this approach.