Over the course of three sessions, students reflect on their community, develop ideas, and create driving questions. You may download facilitation guides for these sessions at the bottom of this page.
Reflecting on Our Community (55 minutes)
- Students understand what can make up their community, whether that’s their local town or district, or a community of people with specific needs or interests
- Students consider the history and culture of their local community
- Students can identify places and groups that make up their local area
- Students develop initial ideas of what their community might need
Developing Initial Ideas (50 minutes)
- Students develop initial ideas of what they could focus on through the project
- All students can put forward ideas for the group to consider
- The group develop vision statement(s) of what they’d like to achieve
Creating Driving Questions (35 minutes)
- Support students to develop 2-3 possible driving questions to answer through the project
What is a Stakeholder? (45 minutes)
- Students understand why community engagement is important for the project
- Students understand what a stakeholder is