During the next three sessions, students explore what a stakeholder is and identify stakeholders and potential partners for issues they are considering for their project, engage with the community, review their data, and engage additional experts, local organisations, and/or employers. You may download facilitation guides for these sessions at the bottom of this page.
What is a Stakeholder? (45 minutes)
- Students understand why community engagement is important for the project
- Students understand what a stakeholder is
Engaging Our Community (45 minutes)
- Students identify ways they can engage the local community
- Students know their role in the community consultation
Reviewing Community Consultation and Research (50 minutes)
- Students review their community consultations
- Students understand different types of primary and secondary research
- Students decide on any further research they need to carry out for their final idea(s)
Additional Resource:
- Guide on Engaging Experts, Local Organisations or Employees