Culture and behaviour at School 360
School 360 strives to create a calm, engaging, stimulating and safe environment which empowers the children to learn and develop as people. Every member of staff is responsible for the guardianship of this culture, which is grown from consistency in high expectations and clear systems to support everyone.
The school expects the best from each child, and provides support, guidance, understanding and compassion when challenges arise. Staff model the behaviour they expect in children and give their first attention to the best conduct.
Intrinsic versus extrinsic rewards
Research demonstrates that when children are only motivated by extrinsic rewards e.g. stickers, presents or certificates, or by sanctions, they are less likely to make progress in their learning. School 360 strives for children to develop intrinsic motivation to succeed, so that they care about doing their best for their own personal reasons, and care about learning for its own sake. For this reason, they don’t use stickers, gifts, or rewards.

Here we have grouped School 360 signature practices which come under the umbrella of culture and behaviour at School 360 which you can read in the PDF below.
- 2. Culture and behaviour
- 3. Feedback culture
- 9. Mindfulness
- 14. Development conversations
- 15. Professional development