End Products Overview
An overview of what end products are and how they are utilised in projects and expeditions to best effect.
In Project Based Learning (PBL) and Expeditionary Learning (EL) the end-product is an essential element. allowing students to demonstrate mastery of the subject core content and skills and presented to a public audience beyond the classroom. End Products need to be engaging and authentic for students, of high quality, provide opportunities for community or expert engagement, and the development of wider, 21st century, or soft skills (Magnify Learning,2023).
In this toolkit section, the principles of deciding an End Product are introduced. Self-guided resources are:
Students know at the start of the project what the end-product will be and its assessment requirements. A key aspect and common thread is that students make their project work public by explaining, displaying, or presenting it to people beyond the classroom.
Kiffany Lychock PBL Works (2019)
This 3-minute video from Magnify Learning (2023) explains how an engaging End Product needs to have authenticity for students, and be underpinned by standards, a community partner, and 21st Century Skills.
End Products need to:
It is also important to determine from the outset if your students/teams will create (Magnify Learning (2023)):
Written Products
Presentation Products
Media & Tech Products
Constructed Products
Planning Products
For more ideas for end products see below:
EL Education. (2023). Celebrations of Learning Available from: https://eleducation.org/resources/celebrations-of-learning-why-this-practice-matters
Experiential Learning Depot. (2023). 100 + Final Product Ideas for Project-Based Learning. Available from https://www.experientiallearningdepot.com/blog/100-final-product-ideas-for-project-based-learning#
High Tech High. (2023). Projects. Available from: https://www.hightechhigh.org/student-work/student-projects/
Learning in Hand. (2014). Creating Products to Show and Share Learning. Available to: https://learninginhand.com/blog/products
Magnify Learning. (2023). End Products. Available from: https://www.magnifylearningin.org/end-products
PBL Works. (2019). Beginning with the end in mind. Available from: https://www.pblworks.org/blog/beginning-end-mind-making-project-products-clear-students
Pinterest. (2023). PBL Final Products. Available from: https://www.pinterest.com/experientiallearningdepot1459/pbl-final-products/
School 21. (2023). Beautiful Work. Available from: https://www.school21.org.uk/sec-beautiful-work
Teach thought. (2023). Authentic Audience in PBL. Available from: https://www.teachthought.com/critical-thinking/authentic-audience-in-pbl/
XP School. (2023). Our Expeditions. Available from: http://www.xpschool.org/our-expeditions/
XP School. (2017). Guns, Germs and Steel Final Product. Available from: https://xpschool.org/guns-germs-and-steel-final-product/