Entry or Immersion Events in PBL
An overview which can give you ideas and prompts for creating an entry event for the project or expedition.
The Entry Event kick-starts the project and puts students’ learning into context. Entry, or immersion events seek to engage, inspire, and situate a project for students as a real world, authentic learning experience, and marks the start of the project for students. A key aim and purpose of the entry event is to ensure all students have an equitable experience at the start of the project, so they have equal access to the project through a common launch. The entry event leads students into the project and acts as a pre-curser to students being ‘given’ or exposed to the Driving or Guiding Question (Magnify Learning,2023b).
In this toolkit section, Entry Events are introduced. Self-guided resources are:
In this 3-minute video, Magnify Learning (2023b) gives tips for planning an entry event.
There are several key and common features to the project launch.
An effective entry event (adapted from Magnify Learning,2023):
Advice on getting projects off to a good start with an entry event:
Edutopia. (2018). Generating a buzz about learning. Available from: https://www.edutopia.org/article/generating-buzz-about-learning
Edutopia. (2011). How to Get Projects Off to a Good Start. Available from: https://www.edutopia.org/blog/summer-pd-starting-projects-suzie-boss
EL Education. (2023). Helping all learners-entry points. Available from: https://eleducation.org/resources/helping-all-learners-entry-points
High Tech High (2023) Projects. Available from: https://www.hightechhigh.org/student-work/projects/
Magnify Learning. (2023a). Entry events. Available from: https://www.magnifylearningin.org/entry-events
Magnify Learning.(2023b). How Do I Plan an Entry Event? Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN9IEqbU3qU
Magnify Learning. (2019). For students it all starts with the entry event. Available from: https://www.magnifylearningin.org/project-based-learning-blog/2019/6/3/for-students-it-all-starts-with-the-entry-event
PBL Works. (2023). Managing Projects-Entry Events. Available from: https://my.pblworks.org/resource/blog/managing_projects
XP School. (2023). Our Expeditions. Available from: https://sites.google.com/xpschool.org/curriculum/our-expeditions