Building a clear and independent evidence base to support a twenty-first century education
The Edge Foundation undertakes high quality independent research, which helps to underpin our policy development. Our research is focused around four key themes:
- Investigating ethical, professional, and vocational education
- Apprenticeships across the UK
- Understanding skills developments and skills needs
- Work-related learning in further and higher education
Edge has a team of researchers who lead our primary research projects. We also work with a wide range of associate researchers and early career researchers from universities and partner organisations in the UK and beyond. Our publications, both primary and commissioned research, are available for you to download, use, quote and cite in any of your work. Our study visits look in depth at examples of innovative practice both in the UK and abroad. We share the lessons and insights from these with the wider community.
Edge is committed to supporting and connecting the wider research community. We have a range of open research networks and always welcome new interest. We also run regular conferences and events to share our own and others’ research with a wider audience.