Middlesex University received a grant of £99,000 in the 2018/19 Edge Grant Fund for their project looking into creating institutional conditions for sustainable degree apprenticeships.
SERC developed a series of eco initiatives in partnership with staff, students and the wider community. Sustainability themes are embedded across college curricula (e.g. ‘Sustainability, healthy living and learning’) and Project Based Learning projects, while a dedicated Eco shop and a scheme to support fast fashion ‘waste’ have been established on campus.
However, in the context of the pandemic and restricted access to campuses where eco initiatives largely take place, a different approach to furthering existing sustainability work was necessary.
In response, two roles were established which were open to both staff and students, to collaborate and coordinate sustainability campaigns and initiatives. This led to the recruitment of nine ‘Green Champions’ and three Students Union elected ‘Eco Officer’ roles. A dedicated ‘eco-team’ has meant increased capacity to support the development of student companies which have environmental concerns at their heart - such as ‘The Water Boys’ who created a low-tech water filter to treat polluted water.
The organisation of online meetings and an increased social media presence (Pinterest/Facebook) to promote sustainability work, has enabled the eco-team to extend their reach and raise awareness of sustainability campaigns. Further examples of SERC’s good practice can be found here.