Research Reports
- Kersh, N., Emms, K. and Laczik, N. (2025). Building Bridges Between Higher Education and Employment: learning from practically-based higher education. London: The Edge Foundation.
- Laczik, A., Patel, J., Emms, K., Hordern, J., Orr, K., Dabbous, D., Polding, E., Wormald, J., James Relly, S., Newton, O., Quyoum, A. (2024). Degree Apprenticeships in England: What Can We Learn from the Experiences of Apprentices, Employers, and Education and Training Providers? London: The Edge Foundation
- D. Dabbous., J. Patel., K. Emms., A. Laczik., K. Orr., S. Gluck., H. Papworth., O. Newton. (2024). Student Voices: what are students saying about their experiences of T Levels? London: The Edge Foundation.
- Munoz-Chereau, B., Burgoyne, M., Emms, K. and Laczik, A. (2024). Ofsted inspection in the general Further Education and Skills sector in England. London: The Edge Foundation
- Pullen, C., McCaig, C., Emms, K. and Laczik, A. (2024) Widening participation and degree apprenticeships. London: The Edge Foundation
- Sevens, T., France, A.,Staniland, C., Stevens, K,. Patel, J. (2024) What Makes an Effective Work Based Mentor in Allied Health Professions London: The Edge Foundation
- McPherson, C., Bayrakdar, S., Gewirtz, S., Laczik, A., Maguire, M., Newton, O., O’Brien, S., Weavers, A., Winch, C., Wolf, A. (2023) Schools for All? Young people's experiences of alienation in the English secondary school system. Edge: London.
- Emms, K., Laczik, A., Quyoum, A. (2023) The perspectives of learners – How are schools developing employability skills? Joint Dialogue Phase 2. Edge: London.
- Dabbous, D., Emms, K., Henderson, H., Laczik, A. (2022). Responding to Covid-19: Experiences of vocational learning and teaching from colleges in the British Isles. Edge: London.
- Rogers, L. (2022). Highlands College: Redesigning the Curriculum - Review of Best Practice. Edge: London.
- Relly, S. J., Killip, G., Robson, J., Emms, K., Klassen, M., Laczik, A. (2022). Greening Construction: A complex challenge for jobs, skills, and training. Edge: London.
- Julius, J., Hillary J., Faulkner-Ellis H. (2022), Investigating the potential use of long-term school and college destination measures. Edge: London.
- Emms, K., Laczik, A., Newton, O., Wilson, E., (2021) Graduate Apprenticeships - Report. Edge: London.
- Relly, S. J., Robson, R., Emms, K., Laczik, A., Randhawa, A., Aizawa, I., Dong, L., Hwang, S., Pinto, V., Zlock, L. (2021). Drivers of technical excellence in the skills economy. Edge: London.
- Dickinson, P., Hogarth, T. (2021) The Benefits of Hindsight - Assessing the impact of apprenticeship reforms on employer behaviour. Edge: London.
- Dabbous, D. & Samuels, J. (2021) The Impact of Winning College Awards. Edge: London.
- Laczik, A., Fettes, T. (2021). Perspectives on National Occupational Standards: What do users think? Edge: London.
- Munoz, B., Ehren, M. (2021) Inspection across the UK: how the four nations intend to contribute to school improvement. Edge: London.
- Emms, K., Laczik, A., Dabbous, D. (2021). Rethinking higher education: Case studies for the 21st Century. Edge: London.
- Huegler, N., Kersh, N (2020) Evaluation of the Edge Hotel School. Edge: London.
- Percy, C., Emms, K. (2020) Drivers of early career success for UK undergraduates: An analysis of graduate destinations surveys. Edge: London.
- Dabbous, D., Emms, K. (2020) Education Technology in Further Education Colleges: How are colleges integrating digital technologies into their practice? Edge: London.
- Emms, K., Laczik, A. (202) A contemporary approach to employable graduates: Cardiff National Software Academy. Edge: London.
- Robson, J. Randhawa, A., Keep, E. (2018) Employability Skills in Studio Schools. Edge: London.
- Rogers, L., McQueen, H., Spours, K. (2018) Evaluation of Career Colleges. Edge: London.
- Laczik, A., Emms, K., Newton, O., Kashefpakdel, E., Clark, J., Rehill, J. (2018) Joint Dialogue: How are schools developing real employability skills? Edge: London.
- Hodgson, A., Spours, K., Waring, M., Gallacher, J., Irwin, T., James D. (2018) FE and Skills across the Four Countries of the UK. Edge: London.
- McCrone T., Martin, K., Sims, D. Rush, C. (2017) Evaluation of University Technical Colleges. Edge: London.
Skills Shortages bulletins
- Bulletins 11-1 (2022-2018)
- Skills Shortages bulletin - Summary (2021)
The Impact of Covid-19 on Education
- Dabbous, D., Emms, K., Laczik, A. (2022). Responding to Covid-19: Experiences of vocational learning and teaching from colleges in the British Isles. Edge: London.
- Donkin A., et al (2021) The Impact of Covid-19 on Education: Perspectives on the impact of lockdown. Edge: London.
- Dabbous, D., Caires, A., Emms, K., Laczik, A., Newton, O. (2020) The Impact of Covid-19 on Education: a summary of evidence on the early impacts of lockdown. Edge: London.
Principles of English Vocational Education
- Volumes 4-1 (2021-2018)
Case Study Reports
- Emms, K., Laczik, A. (2020) A contemporary approach to employable graduates: Cardiff National Software Academy. Edge: London.
- Emms, K., Laczik, A., Dabbous, D. (2020), A journey to employment for young people with additional needs. Edge: London.
- McCrone, T. (2019). School 21 and XP: Real world learning. Edge: London.
Learning from the past
- Individual policy reviews: Papers 13-1 (2022-2021)
- Olle, H. (2022). The New Deal for Young People, Learning from the Past, 13.
- Tatham, K. (2022). 14-18 Vocational Quals, Learning from the Past, 12.
- Quyoum, A. (2022). Access to Higher Education, Learning from the Past, 11.
- Parry, G. (2022). Polytechnics, Learning from the Past, 10.
- Gunn, A., Carasso, H. (2021). National Scholarship Programme, Learning from the Past, 9.
- Salam, S. (2021). Train to Gain, Learning from the Past, 8.
- Jones, S. (2021). 14-19 Diplomas, Learning from the Past, 7.
- Ford, L. (2021). Technical and Vocational Education, Learning from the Past, 6.
- Polding, L. (2021). Education Business Partnerships, Learning from the Past, 5.
- Weavers, A. (2021). EMA, Learning from the Past, 4.
- Burgess, J. (2021). Young Apprenticeships, Learning from the Past, 3.
- Tatham, K. (2021). Entry to Employment, Learning from the Past, 2.
- Maragkou, K. (2021) The Connexions Service, Learning from the Past, 1 (2021).
- Laczik A., Dabbous, D, Patel, J., Wilson, E. (2023) Good Policy Making: What can we learn from past policies? Edge: London.
- Honourable Histories (continually updated and revised). Edge: London.
- Maguire, S. (2022). A Story of Youth Employment in the UK. Edge: London.
- Keep, E., Unwin, L. (2022) Before Incorporation: A timeline of key initiatives and policies shaping Further Education. Edge: London.
Policy Reports
- Emms, K., Laczik, A., Dabbous, D. (2022). Rethinking higher education: Case studies for the 21st Century. Edge: London.
- Dabbous, D., Patel, R., Percy, C., edited by Emms, K., Laczik, A., Newton, O. (2020). Our Plan for Further Education/ Edge: London.
- Newton, O., Laczik, A., Percy, C. (2017). Our Plan for Higher Education. Edge: London.
- Newton, O. (2017) Our Plan for Schools. Edge: London.
- Newton, O., Percy, C., Laczik, A., Emms, K., with Cohen, K., Malz, A., Freitas, N. G., Nicoara, C., and Luchinskay, D. (2017). Our Plan for apprenticeships. Edge: London.
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