Can you tell us about your research and any other research you’re contributing to?
My PhD explores vocational routes to high skilled work and the interplay between employers and educators in local transition systems in the emerging employer-led vocational technical qualification landscape. I am interested how early career pathways are formed for young workers who choose a vocational pathway Post 16 and 18 years, and the processes which enhance , or reduce their prospects for decent work and access to high skilled occupations. I am exploring three comparative sectors with Level 4+ vocational technical pathways: construction, textiles manufacturing and digital.
I have funding from the Edge Foundation for 2024 to explore the experimental DfE (2022) Longitudinal Economic Outcomes data set which provides qualification and economic outcomes by industry for over 2 million young workers aged 25-30 years in 2018-19. I am exploring the four sectors which make up nearly 50% of young worker employment: health and social care, education, professional services, wholesale and retail, plus growth sectors of green energy and digital: I also work with Edge Foundation to support evidence based practice for teachers in project based learning and inquiry based techniques
I work as a researcher for Ufi Voctech , who champion and develop vocational digital technology to support adult learners furthest from the labour market, most recently with the Learning and Work Institute supporting their Challenge 23 'Skills for an Economy in Transition' to understand the issues facing the UK labour market and adult skills.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your work that you think would be helpful to the group.
I am a PG Forum Convenor for the British Sociological Association. Crosses many disciplinary boundaries eg education. We run a range of events useful beyond sociology eg advice for publications with journal editors, conferences. Email list sign up is free. Membership fees just been reduced for PGs. I can share.