When did you start your phd?/ When do you hope to finish?
I started my PhD in January 2020 and hope to finish by April 2024. The Covid-19 pandemic started just after I began my PhD so my original plans and timelines have had to be adjusted along the way!
Could you briefly give an overview of your phd research?
My research explores youth participation in national policymaking to understand how young people are positioned and involved in policy development, particularly within vocational education and training policy. The research is based on qualitative fieldwork with young people and policymakers to find out about their experiences of education, policy and participation and listen to their ideas on how more young people can be involved in policymaking.
Why did you decide to study for a phd? /what was your motivation?
My background is in youth work and youth policy and I have always been passionate about supporting young people in decision-making and providing opportunities for more young people to have a say about the issues which are important to them. Studying for a PhD has allowed me to explore these issues from a new perspective as a researcher and I hope my work will be helpful for both young people and policymakers.
Why is your topic of research important and how does it link to the wider education system?
There have been so many reforms and changes in education, particularly during the pandemic, but young people are not always able to have a say on the development of these policies. Through my research, I hope to show the importance of listening to and involving all young people in policy development and the impact education policy has on young people as they navigate the transition from year 11 to post-16 education and training.
How does your research link to Edge’s wider work/priorities?
My research is linked to a King’s College London and Edge national study, the Young Lives, Young Futures project, to investigate how England’s vocational education and training system could better support young people who not take the university route. Through this project and my PhD research, we hope to highlight the experiences and views of young people who are not often heard in policymaking, which supports Edge’s work on youth voice in education.