What is a Teacher Externship?
A Teacher Externship involves teachers/lecturers interacting with a local employer, observing how their subject is used in business and discussing different career pathways relevant to their subject. Teachers/ lecturers then return to school and plan a project linked to the curriculum, or develop curriculum-based resources, using the business they have visited as the context and setting. Their students complete the work or project within school, to enhance their understanding of the relevance of the curriculum, develop their employability skills, prepare them for the workplace and make informed career choices.

A Teacher Externship provides an opportunity to build deep and sustainable relationships with employers, to develop careers guidance within education and help achieve Gatsby Benchmark 4, which states: “All teachers should link curriculum learning to careers.” It also gives teachers an opportunity to broaden their knowledge and confidence to include real-world examples within their curriculum.
‘’ a good way of embedding careers provision into the curriculum and in a way that is sustainable, easy and has a lot of positive outcomes for staff and students’’ - Teacher Comment

Download the full documents
- What is a Teacher Externship? This guide can be used to help explain what a Teacher Externship is to colleagues who will be participating in the Teacher Externship programme or to on-board colleagues to the programme.
- An introduction to real-world learning and Teacher Externships - This can be shared with education colleagues to help explain what a Teacher Externship is.